coronavirus: Body And Life, Dismantling And Disruption By Corona Virus!
Disruption And Dismantling Of Body & Life!
The Wall Street Journal Quote yesterday 05/11/2020: "U.S. corona virus deaths near 80,000 as mysterious new symptoms appear." This humanity suffers in hugh batches, loses day inouting . Our present efforts to disrupt and destroy the virus has fallen short. Viral spread from Wuhan province in China is discouraging to the present day..
This is an invisible, incredible enemy even the worst sample of humanity was unable to match the harm inflicted on itself historically. Human ingenuity that developed Atom bombs dropped on Naga Saki And Hiroshima in Japan were localized in destructive power 20000 kiloplenty of TNT. The firestorm in Hiroshima destroyed 13 square kilometers or five square miles of the town . Almost 64% of the buildings in Hiroshima were destroyed. by blast and fire. Estimates of total deaths generally ranged between 100,000 and 180,000 out of a population of 350,000.
Tens of thousands died immediately.more within the days that followed. In another Japanene city, namely, Nagasaki, the atom bomb blast is equally devastating and decimated all the land marks within the city, parks, recreation and academic areas, sports arenas, rail roads, aside from huge loss of human lives. the remainder of the population were withering away thanks to intense radiation awaiting their lingering death.
When wecheck out the scenario caused by two atomic bombs hurled by humans on humans employing a stupid premise to prevent the war and acquire a victory, just stop to think who are we to cause such an infliction on ourselves? is that this the culture taught us? Is science to be used for destruction?
This virusare often observed only with the assistance of microscope . it had been identified by a pioneer Scottish scientist named Almeida fifty years ago. This virus was supposedly living in bats and in some exotic animals like pangolins. Lied obscure quite fifty years emerged during this century within the month of January, 2020.
As our contemporaries in China had a penchant for exotic meats of animals that carry this virus. The jump to mankind was done. Results with aunprecedented ravage to the whole humanity of the planet and is actively ongoing keeping the general public during a spell.
Aside from this, social distancing, isolation, nullifying meetings of any kind, disrupted the very fabric of society. Restaurants, Grills, bakeries, store chains, super markets, clothing, electonic, auto parts, movie theatres, small local stores are basically destroyed. Infrastructures forthe essential living conditions are falling apart day by day.
Transportation industry is devastated.the general public is afraid to travel. Tourist buses come to a stand still. Cruise ships and large Airlines are inoperable for there's no traffic thanks to virus attack. this is often what we observe superficially. The secondary markets, meaning spare parts for of these are likely to disappear thanks to lack of demand. Many livelihoods are gone. Rebuilding our wealth to what it had been , has got to wait.
Nowthis is often a valuable opportunity for humanity to redeem itself to seek out an antidote or vaccine for this pandemic corana virus to prevent in its tracks. Now we've this rapid, ravage spread of this virus challenging us world wide!
The Wall Street Journal Quote yesterday 05/11/2020: "U.S. corona virus deaths near 80,000 as mysterious new symptoms appear." This humanity suffers in hugh batches, loses day in
This is an invisible, incredible enemy even the worst sample of humanity was unable to match the harm inflicted on itself historically. Human ingenuity that developed Atom bombs dropped on Naga Saki And Hiroshima in Japan were localized in destructive power 20000 kilo
Tens of thousands died immediately.
When we
This virus
As our contemporaries in China had a penchant for exotic meats of animals that carry this virus. The jump to mankind was done. Results with a
Aside from this, social distancing, isolation, nullifying meetings of any kind, disrupted the very fabric of society. Restaurants, Grills, bakeries, store chains, super markets, clothing, electonic, auto parts, movie theatres, small local stores are basically destroyed. Infrastructures for
Transportation industry is devastated.
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