
information: coronavirus: 5 Priorities Needed, to deal with Pandemic Risks, Now, And within the Future

information: coronavirus: 5 Priorities Needed, to deal with Pandemic Risks, Now, And within the Future

While we all, round the world, are currently, feeling, and can probably, for a period to return the consequences , both, health-related, also as economic, etc, (of this pandemic), rather than that specialize in what's most needed, and necessary, several politicians, seem to be embracing, the politics, as usual, rhetoric, and populism, which has been prevalent during this nation, for a few time, but exacerbated, seemingly exponentially, these last three years! What we truly need, and is important for citizens to demand, is from now - on, these 5 priorities are needed, to guard the citizens of the planet and this nation! thereupon in mind, this text will plan to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, what these are, and why this is often important and necessary.

1. Present-day: Shouldn't our current policy, be guided by public health professionals, and professional economic public planners? the trouble has been late - to - the - table, as far as this administration's response and reactions! By now, nearly everyone has heard, of, Social Spacing, and the way essential it's , to flatten - the - curve! Unfortunately, because President Trump, articulated a message, which minimized the virus' danger, our nation's response, and therefore the focus of the many citizens, reacted accordingly! We are told by the experts, the general public must pay keen attention, self - isolate, wear gloves, if needed (and a mask, at times), and limit public interactions. this is often why, some Governors, like ny State Governor Andrew Cuomo, reacted, well before our national response, by putting health concerns, before economic ones, and limited getting to the office, to essential services, only. As time has gone , these restrictions, are toughened, so as to hopefully, address the crisis! Our President has now, issued Executive Orders, which align thereupon , but, still, many of our nation's Governors, still, haven't stood - up, and addressed what's needed, and necessary. additionally we'd like to guard our Health Professionals, by having sufficient amounts of protective gear, also as respirators, etc, so as to beat this thing, sooner, instead of later!

information: coronavirus: 

2. Future policies: Many believe, this experience will change many of our behaviors, and ways of doing things, into the future! ensuring , all necessary components, including having an epidemic Board, reacting sooner, etc, makes more sense! Restaurants will probably alter seating, and table - setups, to scale back the amount , and proximity of restaurant tables! However, this probably means, there'll be fewer establishments, because it'll make it, even tougher to form the venture, sufficiently profitable. we'll probably, see more sanitary preventions, both, personal and business-wise, which are sensible, and necessary! we'll probably, also, witness, more people, voluntarily, self - isolate, once they have unusual, potentially risky, symptoms.

3. Public health, etc: We must prioritize, public health, the CDC, Pandemic Panels, etc, being, in - place, on an ongoing, preventative basis!

information: coronavirus: 

4. Better inter-nation reporting, etc: Nations must support a stronger, World Health Organization, or similar, in order, to ensure, there's a world , quick, clearinghouse!

5. Further study into epidemiology: we'd like , more focus, on what causes, these health issues, and, stockpile, strategic preventive medicines, if possible, and therefore the necessary gear, to guard our citizens, on a more timely basis!

information: coronavirus: 

Wake up, America, because, unless/ until, we start to demand skilled , responsive, health-oriented policies, and systems, we'll continue, to be, at - risk! we will not fix the economy, at the expense of public health!

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