
news: coronavirus: 5 Ways This Pandemic Has Been Mishandled

news: coronavirus: 5 Ways This Pandemic Has Been Mishandled

We are within the midst of a health emergency/ crisis, unlike any in recent memory! It often seems, our public leaders seem to pay insufficient attention to the teachings , they need to have learned, from history, and, this pandemic, may indicate so, to a greater extent than we've witnessed, before! Recent news reports claim the United States government had knowledge, of a possible pandemic, significantly before, the overall public heard of the primary reports about China, and, President Trump, proclaimed until very recently, there was no crisis, but rather, it had been a political hoax, by his opponents/ enemies. 
news: coronavirus:
Although, he knew of the outbreak, late last year, and was offered testing kits by the earth Health Organization (WHO), in January, 2020, he refused them, and crucial time, which could are used, to be better prepared, when the Coronavirus appeared within our nation, was wasted, and, thus, further endangered our citizens, etc. thereupon in mind, this text will decide to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 ways this pandemic has been mishandled, and therefore the way it made a possible , significant difference, in both, the severity, and length of this crisis.

1. Acting too slowly: For a selection of reasons, including disbanding his expert committee of advisers (Pandemic Committee), and continuing to deny, the existence of it, valuable time was squandered, and wasted, which should are used to be far better prepared! Although, no one, could have prevented this crisis, perhaps, President Trump, should be held, a minimum of partially responsible, for the extent of being unprepared, we are now witnessing! Any of our recent Presidents, in my opinion, would are positioned, better, because, none of them, continuously denied science and scientific experts, and proclaimed, that that they had more knowledge!

2. Confusing, misguided, messaging: Especially, in times of crisis (actual, and/ or, perceived), citizens need to have faith in their leader, and a belief, he has their best interests in mind, instead of any personal/ political agenda, and self - interest! When this President, consistently, articulates conflicting messages, and has done so, according to political fact - checkers, since he was elected, then many others (with scientific backgrounds), gave a less optimistic tone, many were either confused or didn't take the danger (potential and actual) seriously!

3. Playing politics: Mr. Trump has, consistently, fought against, anyone who disagrees with him, or, in any way, opposes his perspective! within the lead - up, to this crisis, rather than taking charge, and pulling people together, for the greater good, he played, politics - as - usual!

4. Trump's ego: Whether President Trump is ego-driven, approximately insecure, he must be constantly, lauded, his resistance to admitting he doesn't have all the answers, and accept personal responsibility, has wasted much - needed attention, and time, to arrange , properly!

5. Putting money/ economy/ stock market , before public's health: This President's focus and emphasis, whether, regarding foreign relationships (especially with our traditional allies), using tariffs to enforce a potentially damaging, national trading policy (thus, as an example , not having, on - handed, many of the medical supplies, manufactured in China), or equating the stock market , with the overall economy, he has consistently, seemed to put economic concerns before the overall public good! However, when a crisis arrives, this policy becomes dangerous, also as misguided, and ill-considered!

news: coronavirus:
No one individual or nation is responsible for this current pandemic, however, President Trump's combination of denial, misstatement, lack of homework/ knowledge, and apparent need for ego-stroking, has made the crisis, even worse! awaken , America, and choose future leaders, more wisely!

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