
news: coronavirus: 6 Major Blunders From This President's Team

news: coronavirus: 6 Major Blunders From This President's Team

Because, he's such a controversial, when a crisis, like this pandemic, arrives, variety of his opponents, seem to, automatically, blame him. In fact, within the past few years, America's sort of government has deteriorated into, blaming and complaining! it's unfair responsible this virus, on President Trump, but, this text will decide to discuss, 6 major blunders/ strategies, etc, he, and his teams, seem guilty of. thereupon in mind, this text will decide to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, these errors, etc, and thus the undesirable ramifications.
news: coronavirus:
1. Fake news/ hoax: Donald Trump, constantly, refers to, anything which disagrees with him, or his personal/ political agenda, as Fake News. While, it's annoying, destructive, divisive, and partisan politics (at its worst), it didn't reach the extent of the danger, and recklessness, as it has, regarding the reaction, and preparation, for this pandemic. When the first word of the Coronavirus, became known to world leaders, Trump's first response, was to ask it, as a fake, hoax, being perpetrated by his political enemies. Imagine, what proportion better prepared, our effort, may have been, if our leader, acted more thoughtfully, and thoroughly?

2. Organizational dysfunction: No American President, in recent memory, had numerous unfilled Department Chairs, as this one! His turnover of personnel, apparent disdain for science, and each one the facts, thorough preparation, etc, cost, cherished planning and preparation time!

3. Reduced influence/ relocated/ and lost most of the expert members of the Pandemic Panel: While, he states, he didn't disband the panel, but moved it, for efficiencies, the fact, it never was restored, during a meaningful way, affirms otherwise! Continuously, seeming to believe, he knows quite the so - called, experts, was certainly, at best, a blunder!

4. Weakening CDC: When a crisis appears on a horizon, we'd like public health experts and professionals, in place, and ready, to propose, the only way, to proceed! Significantly, weakening and minimizing, the previous influence, of the Pandemic Panel, and/ or, CDC, weakened, delayed, and harmed our response!

5. Procrastination: Blaming and complaining, avoiding decisive action, on a timely basis, and procrastinating, are factors, with undesirable ramifications!

6. Trump's messaging: Some love this President's style, while polls indicate, a majority, feel otherwise! However, when Trump's articulated messages, change, often, often contradict his own experts, and, until, recently, kept minimizing the risks, it makes it difficult to urge people, to listen, stay home, and use Social Distancing. thanks to the exponential manner, of this disease, what percentage more cases, may have occurred, because it took goodbye, to urge many folks to concentrate.

news: coronavirus: 6 Major Blunders From This President's Team

Wake up, America, there are dangers and ramifications, to who we vote for, especially, when that individual, exhibits the traits, discussed. Let's pray for the health of the earth , and a wiser, healthier, smarter future!

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