
news: coronavirus: America The Ugly

news: coronavirus: America The Ugly

In the news it really isn't surprising that the media keeps focused on how great our economy is doing. Even the President keeps spouting how he and he alone is that the great incubator of such a wonderful economy. To much of their chagrin the US economy is any thing but great. Either they're too blind to ascertain , are to occupied with Presidential impeachment proceedings or Iran to actually take an honest hard check out what's actually occurring on main street. but our public servants really public servants in the least they're public recipients of tax payers dollars. Their wallets get fatter per annum while the remainder folks are left stretching all penny we will get.

From every city, every town, and each suburb there remains many US citizens desperately trying to deal with enormous financial hardships that have plagued them for years. With our so called great economy there's a plague of homelessness that's sweeping all across this nation. per annum since Trump took office homelessness has only dramatically increased. Other aspects of how great and fabulous our economy is that the incontrovertible fact that 1 in 4 children still face acute starvation. many Americans again still can't afford insurance . Millions more need to work 2 or 3 jobs per day just to place a roof over their heads. including afford food, insurance then many other necessities of living here within the us .

news: coronavirus:
Today, the value of living continues to rise and not just yearly either. It really isn't amazing how apathetic and oblivious numerous of our legislators are. Especially with the Republican mindset that's prevailing today. Even some Democrats are too trapped in their own delusion of maintaining that each one is well and good. the very fact of the matter is that too many in positions that would affect the changes needed to bring balance back to America's economy can't see the forest through the trees, because the saying goes. It could alright be all that with all that campaign cash only swells their coffers blinds them to ascertain the reality .

news: coronavirus:
When you actually see for your very own eyes the faces of the down trodden masses, their weathered faces, tattered clothes and lots of without proper shoes reminds one among the photographs of numerous Americans during the good Depression. On the road corners, by doorways to stores, or the tent cities as they're called now their plight continues to fall on deaf ears. All of those then more afflictions that are imbedded in our society today causes you to wonder what the hell is really happening to America the gorgeous to show into America the ugly.

news: coronavirus: America The Ugly

The problems that America faces are immense. Yet, every Administration from the past 40 years continues to waste billions of dollars on fruitless endeavors in waging pointless wars, that have only benefited the facility elite. we've meddled in affairs of other nations that we've really no business doing. And, every Administration have used this excuse of National Security as their justification for doing so. Well guess what! National security begins right here within the us 

news: coronavirus: 
Sure, we'd like trading partners but our actions from the past have only instigated more imbalance in our economy which is one reason why the value of living keeps rising, put more people out of labor , lowered wages for those that are still working and briefly made life within the US almost to expensive to measure including to survive. we've yet to realize that balance all we've done through years of diplomacy and war is isolate and antagonize countries that might help create that balance of trade we so desperately need. This to stay the value of living on an equal plain to wages right here within the us . Maybe during this way America the ugly can once more become America the gorgeous .

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