
Coronavirus: 8 Life Lessons Learned From the Coronavirus

Coronavirus: 8 Life Lessons Learned From the Coronavirus

Are there life lessons to be learned during this pandemic? and the way .

Albeit, it's not over yet. President Donald Trump warned last week that the coronavirus pandemic within the U.S. will probably "get worse before it gets better." Yup, kinda figured that out. The coronavirus isn't going anywhere soon and, another time , this pandemic is forcing people to pause and reflect.
Well, maybe not most are pausing. As states began lifting restrictions of companies and public areas, photos and videos of people gathering in mass began emerging on the news. Not only was I alarmed as an older American, but I felt that within the push to urge back to "normal," people were missing out on learning valuable lessons about empathy and self-sacrificing.
In fact, the attitude of some people shocked me. as an example , I heard about Elizabeth Linscott and her husband, Isaiah, from Kentucky who were placed on confinement last week after Elizabeth tested positive for the coronavirus. The couple refused to sign documents agreeing to quarantine reception for two weeks.

"There isn't any pandemic," Elizabeth stated emphatically. Really? a plague is defined because the worldwide spread of a replacement disease. With over 16 million people around the world diagnosed with COVID-19 at the time of this writing, doesn't that qualify?

"If you're scared, please do stay home, because i can't put my life on pause because you're scared," she added in an interview with morning America. i wont to be floored. What about the people on the front lines - everyone from those within the medical field to grocery workers - who are scared but forced to visit work? they are doing not have the choice to "stay home.

" Those more vulnerable still need to venture outside for essential tasks like buying food or medical appointments. i might wish to mention , hey Elizabeth, we're talking about 14 days out of your entire life when your actions could mean life and death for a couple of people. Whatever happened to self-sacrificing for the greater good?

Yet, I fully realize there are some who accept as true together with her statements.

Even after restrictions were lifted, for a couple of "normal" life was still impossible. Older baby boomers and other people with health issues were still advised to stay reception . And for those grieving the loss of a beloved , things would never be the same 

Really, after a vaccination is out there which we get to the other side of this pandemic, will our "normal" look the same for any of us? i don't think so. Here's a thought . When that happens, before running bent claim our lives back, maybe it's time to admit that the pandemic has changed us forever - and a couple of of it is worth preserving.

Ryan Seacrest joked, "If I start a replacement Year countdown will 2020 be over? even with its trials, to rush ahead to the long run . If we use this pandemic as a time to reflect, there are important and unique life lessons to be learned.

Not that the coronavirus pandemic has been fun. i don't want to be a Pollyanna here. Admittedly, it's been torturous and overwhelming sometimes . because the worth increases each day , the news is heartbreaking. I miss hugging my family and friends, traveling to new exciting places, and thus the blissful freedom of attending a boisterous, crowded concert. 

The dystopian sight of empty grocery shelves, cities that resembled ghost towns, and people wearing masks was jolting because the pandemic began. i wont to be forced to determine the uglier side of humanity as some people hoarded food, toilet paper , and hand sanitizer. Scammers tried to need advantage of the panic. And there was the cruel phrase "boomer remover" that began trending on Twitter, aimed toward us baby boomers who are more vulnerable to the virus.

On the lighter side, can we mention grooming issues? because the weeks gone by and it became obvious that visiting my hair stylist was out of the question, i assumed maybe this was an honest time to determine what I appeared like with gray hair. i wont to be horrified. My husband, who at 60 is lucky enough to still have many hair, appeared like a mad scientist. So, there's that. A bottle of Revlon and a couple of hair cutting scissors did the trick, but almost with the same results as knowledgeable would achieve.

On some days, I felt productive and artistic as I tapped into reservoirs of strength and inspiration. But there are also days I fought depression and anxiety, hated being confined to my house, ate a huge bag of chips with a glass of wine to console myself, felt overwhelmed with news stories, and struggled to cope. I felt like it was all too much - and it had been . 

the earth hadn't faced something like this in over a century. On top of all the tragedies, there was the devastating economic impact as small businesses struggled to stay open. Then, protests and riots broke out in a fight for racial justice.

It's okay to not be okay sometimes.

And yet amidst all the turmoil, the pandemic required me to shut up and still. To be content with my very own company. To hamper and reflect on the more important aspects of life. thereupon in mind, here are some valuable lessons I've learned so far and changes i might wish to lookout of , even after the pandemic is over.

I learned to:

* Embrace My Spirituality

My spirituality and reliance on God has become more important than ever. The coronavirus reinforced that life is uncertain and unpredictable. As a result, I've learned to depend on God more fully so on retain how of hope, strength, patience, and endurance.

* Appreciate Loved Ones Even More

Along with the rest of the earth , I've learned the price of human connections during how impossible before.

Not having the power to determine family makes all of them the more precious to me. i don't miss going bent dinner and traveling to exotic places the utmost amount as I miss holding my 2-year-old granddaughter's small hand.

I even became grateful for technology - which I even have a love/hate relationship with normally - that allows us to stay in-tuned with our loved ones. Even so, I'll admit that it is not the same . I'm an introvert and not exactly nation person. However, I realize now that I took hugs from friends with none consideration .

On the positive side, with children home from school and fogeys working from their houses, families have close , enjoying sports within the backyard, playing board games, riding bikes, and solving puzzles. That's beautiful to determine .

* See the good in People

It's true what they say . The worst of times can bring out the only in people. Amidst all the chaos, I saw courageous and selfless heroes emerge.

My husband's colleague, Art, explained how his nurse, in her 60s who administers treatments for his health issues, bravely answered ny City's exclaim for help in April and flew to the epicenter of COVID-19 during the worst of the outbreak.

Medical staff are still answering the choice for help in areas hardest hit by the virus. Recently, U.S. Air Force doctors, nurses and other medical providers were sent to work in California hospitals, including Eisenhower hospital on the brink of my home, to assist with a steep rise in coronavirus cases that's straining the healthcare system.

Delivery people and grocery workers are willing to put their lives on the road to serve us. Many restaurant owners are donating food. Communities and neighborhoods provide encouragement to each other with signs and teddy bears in windows or positive messages written in chalk on sidewalks. People are fostering dogs to help out shelters. nobody is immune from this virus and in some ways during which serves to unite us.

* Savor Nature

Although I've always appreciated nature. I became more aware of the sweetness of hibiscus flowers blooming in my courtyard, the tranquil sounds of birds singing cheerfully, or the desert night sky revealing all its myriad glories.

With a decrease in pollution in our cities, the skies never looked bluer. Wildlife began to reclaim areas once dominated by humans.

It's never been more true - nature calms.

* Be Grateful for my Life and Health

The pandemic taught me how precarious life are often and therefore the way vulnerable we all are as humans. Life itself should never be taken with none consideration - not even while enduring hardships. it had been a sober reminder to need care of my health.

I have to admit, keeping my snacking in restraint while stuck reception is challenging, but I did develop some healthy habits i might wish to stay .

For example, eager to get out of the house and into nature, I've never taken more walks and bike rides. Now that it's too hot to exercise outdoors where I live, due to a devotee , I've discovered the FitOn app with free exercise videos. After all, exercising not only helps our system , but can reduce the extra anxiety we're all feeling immediately .

I also learned to not stress over the small stuff. a plague puts minor problems into perspective.

* Become More Empathetic

During the initial panic, some couldn't afford to stockpile food and toilet paper , which made me even more conscious of those out of labor who lived paycheck-to-paycheck. Some people had to make the horrific choice of staying safe or risking their lives and going back to work to remain a roof over their heads and food on the table. Some chose the latter, and died as a result.

I think about the helpless and vulnerable seniors who are terrified in nursing homes and other people with mental issues that struggle, even during normal circumstances, to beat their fears. this provides me perspective. i do know that the apprehension and uneasiness that I sometimes feel doesn't compare.

The coronavirus taught me the price of making self-sacrifices that has keeping a secure distance from people and wearing a mask for those more vulnerable than myself. Although there are exceptions, thankfully, the majority of people seem to feel the same way.

I've always known, but the pandemic reinforced the actual fact that giving back which concentrate on others not only helps others but also provides how of well-being and peace.

* accept Less

When the pandemic began, literally afraid to travel grocery shopping, i started buying only essential things which may last fortnight . My husband which i used to be surprised to urge how well we survived with the basics available . We learned to decipher between needs and wishes and saved money.

Like i discussed before, I learned to dye my very own hair and provides my husband a trim. We looked okay. Fancy clothes and shoes became unimportant. We ate reception more and tried new recipes. and should we mention saving gas money by not running around needlessly?

There are important financial lessons to be learned here.

* Laugh More

Keeping a way of humor is vital , especially during troublesome times. once I saw my husband's worried face as I took scissors to his hair, well, I've never laughed harder. I appreciated all the funny memes and tweets about the bizarre ways we found to entertain ourselves while stuck reception and our obsession with snack foods. It's true. Laughter is that the best medicine.

I know we're all burned out by now and during a hurry to measure a "normal life" again, but let's not forget of these life lessons. actually we all know life won't be an equivalent after this pandemic is over but, as I acknowledged earlier, perhaps that's not entirely a nasty thing.

I hope we've learned to never deem granted hugs from loved ones, grocery shelves overflowing with food, the thrill of a crowded concert, and every deep breath we take.

I hope we still make our spirituality and spending time with loved ones a priority.

I hope we realize how little we actually got to survive.

I hope we remember how strong and resilient we will be during challenging times.

I hope we emerge from this pandemic more grateful, kinder, and appreciative.

And I hope we always remember the way to find light within the midst of darkness.

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