
Coronavirus: Use sense And Social Responsibility, Or Delay Pandemic Recovery!: 5 Considerations

Coronavirus: Use sense And Social Responsibility, Or Delay Pandemic Recovery!: 5 Considerations

It's often, far easier, responsible somebody else , make excuses, or, proceed with, blinders - over - your - eyes! Perhaps, in recent memory, we've never witnessed, any scenario/ situation, where this is often , more true! Nearly, all public health professionals, and epidemiologists, state, definitively, certain sense actions, including: 
wearing a mask; Social Distancing/ Spacing; personal, social responsibility/ empathy/ caring about others; and believing, science matters and data counts, and therefore the best thanks to proceed, forward, responsibly, is carefully, examining, reviewing, and putting the public's health, and well - being, before any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, and articulating a populist message, to inspire potential voters, etc! thereupon in mind, this text will plan to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 sense - oriented, considerations, which make a world of difference.
1. Wear a mask: i'm sick, and tired, of those, who declare, it's their right, to make a decision if they're getting to wear a mask, and that they won't do it! Since, wearing one, isn't merely, for the wearer, but, to require personal, social responsibility, for the health, and well - being, of others! This pandemic isn't a hoax, and, if, after, over 3 million Americans are infected, and over 135,000 died, there are only a few , acceptable reasons, to not cooperate. Professionals/ experts believe, if more people, consistently, wore a mask, the infection rate (and, thus, the associated deaths), would be substantially reduced. whenever , someone goes into public, and refuses, to cooperate, during this approach/ action, it delays beating this horrific pandemic!

2. Social distancing: Because, this virus, is essentially , transmitted, via, air droplets, and might travel, a minimum of six feet, within the air, practicing social distancing/ spacing, everyone benefits! Therefore, it's knowing avoid crowds, and activities, which could bring someone, into contact, with a big number of people! It appears, that inside activities are more, potentially, dangerous/ risky, than outside ones, we should always not rush to those high - risk activities! that has , theater, movies, inside sporting events, conferences, conventions, expos, etc. Even, outside, however, it's knowing space yourself, 6 or more feet, apart!

3. Public health before politics, etc: Shouldn't the health, and well - being, of citizens, be the very best priority? Isn't a push - to - reopen, for economic reasons, and when a public leader, articulates a message, equating health concerns, with money matter, isn't that a transparent , and present danger? the present controversy, about reopening schools, this Fall, is perhaps best described, by New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo, our youngsters aren't guinea - pigs!

4. Compare/ consider/ understand/ evaluate, how different states, and nations, approached their response, and therefore the results/ ramifications, to - date!: We now have a body - of - work, which could help us, choose the neatest path! Wouldn't it add up , if public leaders compared, considered, better understood, and punctiliously evaluated, how different states, and nations, approached and handled their response, and therefore the results? we've witnessed, when reopening is completed , on a phased-in, manner, and customary sense, is used, the results are far better!

5. Common sense: Far too often, sense is one among the rarest, of commodities, especially, when it involves the actions of elected representatives, etc. we'd like much more of this, also as leaders, who put us, first, and put public health and safety, before anything . While nobody wants to lose monies, etc, you'll always, make extra money , but, you simply have one life!

Wake up, America, and demand better, and saner leadership! Demand those, you elect, to place true priorities, etc, first!

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