
information: What you'd wish to understand About Branding Your Podcast

information:What you'd wish to understand About Branding Your Podcast

This is usually the first question ready to |i'll"> i will be able to be able to ask someone who is asking for my help in launching their podcast. this is often often probably the foremost important question a replacement podcaster can answer. it's a problem only they're going to answer. and thus the solution to this question will guide them to success.
Failure to adequately answer this question will nearly always guarantee failure!

If you say, "I want to achieve everyone," what you've really just said is, "you will reach nobody ."
Many people, myself included, once they first start out, again, either with a podcast or a business, make the rookie mistake of thinking, "I don't need to exclude anyone. i might wish to form my podcast so as many folks as possible will hear me."

It would be a bit like the old "General Store" of some village . slightly of this, slightly of that. specialized if you needed a fuse for a circuit box or to grab a task of tape and you almost certainly didn't want to drive 10 miles into a much bigger town. But if you were looking to buy for a state of the art television, would you enter the general Store and appearance at three-year old models, dusty and sitting on the shelf? NO. you'd take the extra effort to hunt out a store that sells TV's - new TV's. Latest and greatest TV's.

Your marketing must be the same way.

Another rookie mistake is to advertise the same way the "big guys" are advertising. don't plan to copy other people's ads! Especially once you're just starting out! they have huge advertising budgets. they have marketing departments. they have art departments. they have access to budgets that spend more on lunch than you're doing on advertising during a whole year. don't plan to copy what they're doing!

This is called "mass marketing."

It is also called "branding." that's a flowery term that's live today.

"Well, shouldn't I be branding my name? "

Let me put it to you would like this.

How much money does "Coke" spend on their advertising during a year? Magazines, bill boards, television, radio, the sides of buses, etc.? don't forget the most sporting events either. Probably BILLIONS of dollars, right?

That is mass marketing or "branding."

The last time you walked into a store and purchased a coke, Why did you're doing so? What made you buy a coke? you almost certainly bought a coke rather than the opposite brand (and i'm using coke, but if you are a Pepsi drinker, it's an equivalent thing). you almost certainly bought a coke because, subconsciously, that is what you thought of because you were thirsty. you almost certainly didn't stop to look within the least of the alternatives. you almost certainly didn't stop to read the labels and compare everything. you almost certainly didn't stop to look up the scientific discussions on your smart phone about the benefits of coke versus a bottle of water. You were thirsty and reached for a coke!


It cost Coke billions upon billions of dollars over many, a couple of years , to understand that level of name recognition.

That is the number of some time , effort and MONEY it'll deem you to compete at that level to "Get your name out there!"

So don't do that!

One more quick example...

I enjoy golf. the first time I ever visited play golf, I shot a 99 score! That's right, the very first time I ever played golf, I shot a 99!

When I tell people this story, they're really impressed.

What I then explain is, I had a gathering and can not meet my buddies on the first tee. I met them on the 10th tee. I shot a 99 on the rear 9 holes. almost as impressive now, is it?

But, on first glance, it sounds impressive. It looks like maybe i wont to be pro material... able to leave and compete, with slightly practice, against Tiger Woods and other people PGA tour professionals that shoot 67 on 18 holes. Pro's who played golf for years and years and years and have spent multiple ten's of thousands of dollars to urge where they're at.

If i'd have decided to undertake to compete on their level, it'd are a miserable failure. they could hit their 9-iron farther and more accurately than I could it a driver.

Why am I telling you this, DON'T plan to COMPETE WITH THE PRO's YOU SEE ADVERTISING!

You will fail.

You will lose your most precious asset immediately - MONEY!

So, define in very specific terms WHO your audience goes to be.
What single thing are you ready to do that will push you on towards success?

Identify who your one and only audience goes to be! Others may participate , but you would like to succeed in that single individual in everything you do!

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