
news: coronavirus: 1 In 1.1 Million

news: coronavirus: 1 In 1.1 Million

Covid-19 has brought much of the earth to a stand still. it's delivered to memory a viral illness that happened to me while traveling to Antarctica and South America back in 2007. The near impossible odds of becoming very sick from a wierd disorder happened to me. 1 in a 1.1 Million Chance. Why me?

I had contracted a cold while traveling on an Ice Breaker down in Antarctica and it became a nasty chest infection. The ships doctor put me on an antibiotic, which I didn't want, however I surrendered after some pressure from the doctor. It cleared up the chest infection for a few of days but it reappeared after we returned to the town of Ushuaia, so I lay low for a couple of of days in hopes it'd retreat. It did to some extent. it had been after a 11-hour flight from Santiago Chile, to Toronto that things began to urge weird. once I got off the plane in Toronto, i wont to be having trouble reading the signs. Wobbly on my feet also . I passed it off as just the flu and being weary from all the travel.

news: coronavirus:
Within 24 hours of arriving home i wont to be occasionally seeing double and experiencing full on dizzy spells. The second morning, i couldn't walk. the only because of the rest room was to crawl. Upon a visit to my doctor subsequent day, using every hand rail and wall to stay on my feet, I made it there. My doctor had not seen a case like this before because it is so rare. He advised me I should head to hospital emergency as they could got to affect me directly averse to being on a roll to determine a specialist. "Hurry. you'll die".

It was after several hours of testing by the neurologist that they found i wont to be suffering from a very rare disorder called Miller Fisher Syndrome. That's right. only one in 1.1 million people in Canada get this once a year . MFS could also be neurological disorder where the body attacks itself. Namely the nervous system eats away at the myelin sheath covering of the nerves. It are often caused by a failed round of antibiotics and stress. Your own system is really attacking you. all of your brain signals get scrambled. Imagine not having protective covering on the electrical wires in you home. But worse!

news: coronavirus: 1 In 1.1 Million

It resulted during every week long hospital stay where they flushed my system and had to rebuild it with fresh blood and immunoglobulin administered every 8 hours and far of other plasma products. the good news, they said, was i'd revisit to a standard life in three or four months. it had been 2 months before my eyesight returned to normal which i could stop wearing an eye fixed fixed patch to stop seeing double. Being a sailor, even after four months i could not even stand on a floating dry dock without getting dizzy. I fully recovered over a 5 months period. I do have some residue effects with reflexes but it isn't impacted my life style.

So why am I sharing this now. If lighting strikes me twice, i'm prepared to easily accept that. There are risks in life and there'll always be casualties. What main stream media has didn't do during the covid-19 crisis is broadcast the importance of a healthy life style and good nutrition. they have been too damn busy fear mongering and selling medicines.

news: coronavirus: 1 In 1.1 Million

Go sit on your balcony and absorb some natural vitamin D . Take many vitamin C . These two Vitamins alone will boost your system. If you're worried and believe you will get sick you most certainly will. For Christ's sake. Take ownership of your health. the answer to this mess doesn't dwell a vaccine. It's lies with a healthy system.

news: coronavirus: 1 In 1.1 Million

Most COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths are a results of underlying conditions. My illness came as a results of a failed round of antibiotics. My system refused the foreign substance. If you've a haul along side your health do something to help correct it. don't be too damn lazy and await the vaccine. that's wimping out. Viruses come once a year with different twists. Our body's system will affect them but we must ex ourselves enough to urge healthy. I'm doing my part being stuck reception. I just hope that everyone else while the reception is doing the only they're going to confirm a healthy system . Yes, i'd feel guilty if someone became ill from me. Why isn't it the 'at risk' who should stay in quarantine and let the healthy ones get on with life?

I will leave you with this. Think hard. You go and take your vaccines and you will be protected therefore the idea goes. So, If i don't take vaccines and you inherit contact with me you need to be fine, right? you almost certainly did in any case take the pill or the shot. you simply pulled a Trojan condom over you and everybody is nice . Isn't it me who is that the one who should worry about getting sick? I rest my case.

I would go walk the streets tomorrow and not worry about my very own life. I even have had my 1 in 1.1 million and lived. I even have learned first hand the price of an honest system. I even have studied what it takes to possess an honest system . My system is in top working order. What about yours?

Paul's a couple of years of business ownership and life experience have provided him with the expertise to help you to affect complex issues regarding success and obtaining your business goals.

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