
news: coronavirus: Bragging, Blaming, And Complaining, But Never Personal Responsibility!: Trump's Pandemic Response

news: coronavirus: Bragging, Blaming, And Complaining, But Never Personal Responsibility!: Trump's Pandemic Response

I don't realize you, but I'm sick - and - uninterested in this President, handling his duties, both the foremost serious, also as lesser ones, as if, he was, still. either overseeing his family's land empire, or hosting a game - show, sort of television program! In what looks like a classic story, of somebody assuming control, who is clearly , unprepared, and not - ready - for - prime - time, Donald Trump has seemed to , often, put his personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, before the simplest interests of the state , its citizen, and therefore the world, as an entire .

news: coronavirus:
Even those individuals, who structure , his political core/ base, of supporters, would, mostly state, they're somewhat attracted by his unusual message, and therefore the way, he articulates it. While, everything, the occupant of the White House, does, or prioritizes, is critical , in times of crisis, as we are currently undergoing, during this worldwide pandemic, we'd like to be served and represented by individuals, who seriously consider, preparation, ramifications, and overall sustainability of our planet, etc. thereupon in mind, this text will plan to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 6 steps, within the current, Trump Game Plan.

1. A hoax: the first step because it often is, is Trump's proclamation, and declaration, an issue, which does not fit neatly, into his agenda, is therefore a hoax, and/ or, Fake News! Our reaction, within the earliest stages, after our Intelligence Agencies, received early knowledge, seemed to be like , proceeding, with - blinders - on! Only history, will tell us, with certainty, what, and the way much harm, and/ or, ramifications, these delays, may have created, etc!

2. He didn't know: the primary response, was, denial, and proclaiming, he didn't know, or have knowledge, of the onset, or degree of implications!

3. Knew, but didn't want to panic us: When it became obvious, through the news media's investigative work, the President was informed, earlier, his story transitioned, and he claimed, of course, he knew, but felt, it might be harmful, to let the general public know, in an effort to avoid panic! However, once we consider how Mardi Gras, was handled, in New Orleans , and, the widespread, ensuing, health ramifications, there seems, to be something missing, from this explanation, as well!

4. Perfect response: As he has done before, Mr. Trump, proclaimed, his administration's response was perfect (10 out of 10)! When confronted with questions, he never accepts fault or responsibility, but his first reaction, is typically , blame somebody else , especially the media!

5. He did nothing wrong: nobody is ideal , everyone makes mistakes, and he did nothing wrong! How can we benefit, when someone, prioritizes blaming and complaining, and his image, seemingly, over the benefit to the public?

6. WHO was guilty: After blaming, the Democrats, health officials, and, basically, anyone who disagreed, nobody should are surprised, he would end - up, transferring blame to the planet Health Organization, or WHO, for his or her inadequate response! While WHO made mistakes/ errors, they did offer, late last fall (2019), testing kits (which our government refused), and other, information. There have also been emails, which indicate, early knowledge, by our Administration, and, instead of being proactive, and searching at the larger - picture, they either, denied, procrastinated, or, due to funding reductions, and earlier planning, were unprepared!

news: coronavirus: Bragging, Blaming, And Complaining, But Never Personal Responsibility!: Trump's Pandemic Response

Wake up, America, we will not afford, this sort of business - as - usual! If we would like to measure during a better, safer, safer , healthier, more sustainable world, we must demand stronger, more prepared, leadership!

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