
news: coronavirus: Distancing - Gift or Burden

news: coronavirus: Distancing - Gift or Burden

This past week I had the prospect to consider a presentation by Canadian financial expert Benjamin Tal. He started by describing the earth as being "frozen." What an appropriate description!

Schools are closed than are most businesses. Layoffs and thus the need to work from home have left streets empty. Thoughts of buying or selling a house are just that - thoughts. the price of gas is extremely low, yet we aren't going anywhere!

Mr. Tal stated that the earth won't change until an efficient vaccine is discovered and, albeit every country is functioning day and night with this end in mind, it'd be months until we are successful during this quest. Finally, I could begin adjusting my life to suit a timeline that was for for much longer than I had previously expected or hoped for.

news: coronavirus:
I have noted that people's perspectives seem to fall into three distinct groups. the first is that the group that thinks the media is catastrophizing the matter during which the pandemic isn't serious. They keep it up with their activities, ignoring recommendations from government and health professionals while minimizing things. a neighborhood of this, i feel is because they haven't been directly affected by COVID-19 or even seen high numbers of affected people where they live. Their belief is that albeit they get the virus, their symptoms are getting to be mild.

The opposite end of the spectrum is that the group that's preparing for the worst. they have hoarded food and expect that they are getting to got to protect their families from people who might want to need it when supplies run out. Some even have made preparations to hide out and defend themselves until what could be "the end".

news: coronavirus: Distancing - Gift or Burden 
The third group sits somewhere within the center . they're aware of how COVID-19 has affected others and are using caution supported health recommendations. They know that the virus doesn't move but that people move, and thus the virus goes with them so as that they're willing to physically distance themselves from people who might be carriers.

Many global citizens are now using their time reception to undertake to things which can not otherwise occur - like painting the basement, cleaning drawers, cooking and baking, telling stories over the online to grandchildren, reading books that were bought way back, learning a language, making music, and completing work projects from home that were previously neglected. Funny what percentage times we've thought "If I just had a few of days at home". Well, now we've it.

The next three months might be the worst that we'll face as we await governments and banks to process requests for financial relief and learn to settle in with the new lifestyle that we didn't invite. Also, we face a somewhat uncomfortable learning curve as individuals, schools, and corporations are having to form other ways to deliver goods, services, and knowledge.

news: coronavirus: Distancing - Gift or Burden
The good news is usually summarized within the words of my wise Norwegian grandmother "This Too shall pass". But we'd wish to be realistic. it isn't going to pass for an extended, long time.

So, how will you view and answer the need for distancing over subsequent weeks and months? Will you resent it and accept anxiety while you impatiently await life to return to normal? (Sorry, it'll never be precisely the same). Or will you embrace now and use a day as a singular gift where you'll thank for what you've instead of what you've lost?

news: coronavirus: 
You can't change the earth , but you'll change your attitude! Are you thinking of a present or a burden?

If you're struggling, you'll call a psychologist for help. many people have secure video sites so we'll see each other while we talk. Remember, we beat this together!

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