
news: coronavirus: That Pandemic Pattern

news: coronavirus: That Pandemic Pattern

Between 1918 and 1919, the influenza pandemic claimed quite 550,000 deaths within the us alone. One must appreciate that this strain of influenza virus appeared at a time in history when no medical authority on earth could discern what an influenza virus even was. The term wasn't even in use yet.

It would take nearly another 20 years before the word virus was related to influenza. At the time medical professionals the planet over were at a loss to seek out how to treat influenza, and therefore the treatments they implemented often did more harm than good. Doctors, at a loss on what direction to require to prevent the disease, used every technique that they had at the time. Enemas and blood-letting were instigated, but did nothing quite help spread the virus.

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Eventually, albeit way too late, governments began implementing isolation rules. People were asked to prevent congregating in large crowds and activities were mostly conducted outdoors, within the belief the disease was prominent when one was indoors during a crowd. Events like lawsuits , shopping, and meetings were held outdoors.

This was all new the planet of 2018. They were involved during a war to finish all wars, an occasion that was leaving many countries financially ruined and struggling to function. It couldn't have occurred at a worse time in history. In simple terms, life science was simply not equipped to affect an influenza outbreak of this scale. Doctors and nurses the planet over were working with a disease they might not recognise or define. The events of the, First war , were starting to pale as compared to the devastation the pandemic was creating.

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It soon became clear that only non pharmaceutical interventions, or NPI's would be the sole solution, as adequate drugs weren't yet available to fight this disease. Medicines like, antibiotics and vaccines were non existent. Medical professionals soon realised there was no cure and focused on prevention to prevent the spread of the virus. Therefore, NPI measures like, social distancing, isolation, and quarantining became the norm for stopping the spread.

One of the most important lessons that ought to are learned from this era , was to be open and honest. Public figures took too long to react to the 1918-18 influenza pandemic, often playing it down and failing to act before they did. There seems to be a historical pattern to the present event.

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The, World Health Organisation, or WHO, is tasked with handling such events as pandemics. Their duties include monitoring outbreaks worldwide and implementing measures to stop the spread. they need over the course of your time , compared theories that reveal new strains of influenza virus coincide with changes in weather patterns like , La NiƱa. it's assumed that in these changes in weather, migratory birds alter their habits and interact with domesticated animals like poultry and pigs. This transmits virus from one animal to a different , which then mutates and is passed on to humans.

An incident like this occurred during 1997 when during a region of Hong Kong an epidemic later named the Bird Flu, appeared in domesticated poultry. This spread through contact to humans who then became infected. a number of these human infections proved fatal. This strain of the virus along side other mutated versions, spread through other parts of Asia, killing even more people. of these viruses had the potential of spreading and delivering to an epidemic , however due diligence helped to eventually contain the virus.

news: coronavirus: That Pandemic Pattern

Once again during April of 2009, the planet Health Organisation declared A level 5 pandemic was imminent. as long as there are only 6 levels implemented by the planet Health Organisation, the extent 5 phase was taken very seriously by both governments and medical professionals world wide. Measures were put in situ to determine treatment centres, drugs were distributed everywhere the world , and strict policies and procedures were put in situ to combat the outbreak.

Even with this swift and radical action, the virus tentacled its way across the world , infecting quite 200 countries. The WHO eventually reclassified the alert from phase 5 to phase 6, effectively observing it as an epidemic . Ironically, ten years later in 2019, the planet was alerted to a replacement virus. The COVID-19, or otherwise referred to as the, Coronavirus.

news: coronavirus: That Pandemic Pattern

The COVID-19 virus could are avoided, or controlled in such how on avoid an epidemic . However lack of transparency and a failure by governments and medical professionals to act responsibly, has seen the virus spread throughout the planet and take hold it's thus far claimed thousands of lives and continues to spread untethered. No vaccine is yet available, and if one should be formulated it might taken many months to completely begin implementation.

The world could are better prepared had they heeded warnings or maybe learnt lessons from the past. Experts are warning the planet a few coming pandemic for years. one among these experts, Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist and qualified expert in infectious diseases, has been warning about this moment for years. He acknowledged the shortage of preparedness by governments and hospitals. He campaigned for more ventilators to be added to hospitals and warned how ill prepared we were within the face of an epidemic .

It's easy to point fingers now and on reflection, one has all the answers. However the sad a part of this tale is that we never listen and learn. Perhaps the day will dawn when humans realise that the foremost dangerous threat to our existence is an uncontrolled, rampant virus.

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