
news: coronavirus: A Wonderful model

news: coronavirus: A Wonderful model

In April Queen Elizabeth celebrated yet another birthday. She is now 94 years of age! She and her husband, Philip who will have his 98th birthday this year are isolated in Windsor Castle thanks to the pandemic.

Now you'll not be a monarchist but, at a personal level, one cannot help but admire the Queen for a spread of reasons:

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Work ethic - Elizabeth didn't expect to be the Queen of England but when her uncle David abdicated to be along side his twice-divorced American wife her father became King and she or he or he automatically was in line to follow him. Her coronation in 1952 was the beginning of what is now the monarch with the longest reign within the planet . But it isn't just her years of service to the united kingdom and Commonwealth countries that are important. She may be a lively ruler who actually had 295 engagements in 2019. I don't know many folks who are still working at the age of 94 years!

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Balance - Since she took the throne, the Queen has witnessed such tons of change within the planet . Her first address was on the radio and now she uses Zoom and other technology to talk . She has lived through wars, natural disasters, and plagues. Social and political structures have changed repeatedly during her lifetime. She has worked with 14 Prime Ministers in her home country and dozens of leaders in other countries. Through it all, however, she has been a mild support who could be depended upon for consistency and wonder .
Personal boundaries - The Queen doesn't air dirty linen! She has never given an interview and even when she is facing personal loss or family problems, she presents herself with quiet dignity.

news: coronavirus: A Wonderful model
Positive influence - People look to the Queen for comfort. She set an example for others and took on a foothold as a mechanic within the war. She spoke comfort to the earth after the death of Diana and she or he or he was the one one that millions were waiting to concentrate to from during this pandemic. Her speeches are short but laced with hope.

Self-care habits - Despite her age, the Queen continues to steer, and ride horses every day! (I hear that she needed to urge a shorter horse so it'd be easier to mount). She never uses a banister even when she is wearing a crucial crown or cape because it builds her core. She eats regular and nutritious meals.

news: coronavirus: A Wonderful model
Curiosity - The Queen is interested by both people and things. She reads, asks good questions, and ensures that she has contact with interesting people from different walks of life.
She pledged as a woman to serve her entire life. When she is gone, it'll be a drastic loss. Over eighty percent of Britians haven't had another ruler!

Victoria long weekend could also be a time when the Commonwealth remembers the birthday of Queen Elizabeth and her forebear , Victoria who reigned for quite 63 years. For many, this is often often just a statutory holiday for camping, resting, and enjoying the spring weather.

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This year, on the May long weekend, believe the instance that Queen Elizabeth has set for us. Are there things that she has done that you simply simply might want to incorporate in your life? Lots to think about!

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