
news: war of the worlds: Aren't We finding out HOPE?

news: war of the worlds: Aren't We finding out HOPE?

With, all the negative, worrisome news, it shouldn't surprise, anyone, so many, are scared/ concerned, frustrated, and, are searching, for love or money, which could provide, a greater degree of HOPE, both, for today, and into the future? For a couple of months, we've been bombarded, with, news reports, about the world's pandemic! Some, proclaim, maybe, we should always always change our focus and emphasis, from what percentage have died, and/ or, contracted the disease/ virus, instead of that concentrate on the bad news, should emphasize, what percentage have recovered, etc! However, when the numbers are, as astronomical, and concerning, as these, even, and 97 or 97% recovery rate, translates, to thousands, dying! most people would feel better, if we believed, our public leaders, clearly demonstrated, they have a well-considered, plan, to beat this adversity, during a better way! thereupon in mind, this text will decide to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and, in time, like these, is so important.

1. Healing/ heals; head/ heart; holistic; happiness: What happened to the concept of, the pursuit of happiness? Shouldn't public officials, attempt, healing approaches, which seek to heal our wounds, and fears? It requires balancing, emotional and logical components, during a head/ heart balance! When things look bleak, a holistic approach, emphasizing, greater trust, and skills are beneficial!

2. Options; opportunities; opinions; organized; open - mind: Complicated issues require thinking - outside - the - box, and considering options and alternatives, with an open - mind! instead of using empty rhetoric, and proclaiming, their opinions are actual facts, as we are presently witnessing, from our current President, wouldn't we be, better - served, and hopeful, if we felt, our leaders, were more prepared, etc?

3. Priorities; perceptions; pleasant/ pleading; prepared: the upper prepared, our public officials, the more, prepared, and able, to concentrate on actual priorities, and address perceptions, during a pleasing way, which provided more faith, and willingness, for citizens, to listen, to sane, public policies!

4. Empathy; enrich; excellence; energize: Throughout history, the simplest public leaders, sought to energise the overall public, towards the greater good! instead of , President Trump's apparent, emphasis on a populist, self - promoting rhetoric, etc, we'd be, far more hopeful, if someone, clearly, demonstrated genuine empathy! Our hope, and, attitude, are often enthusiastic to, enriching leadership, with plans, strategies, and actions, which prepare us, for adversities, etc.

news: war of the worlds: Aren't We finding out HOPE?

How many folks, today, is on the brink of losing HOPE, largely, because, we've lost confidence, during this President's ability, or preparedness, to steer us, out of this dire adversity? awaken, America, and demand better?

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