
news: war of the worlds: Why A Public Leader's TONE Matters?

news: war of the worlds: Why A Public Leader's TONE Matters?

In some cases, this is often often a positive one and helps someone, become an easier , motivating, inspiring leader. 

If you set - aside, your personal, political agenda, and compare, the impact of two politicians, seen, daily, lately, on the news, and compare their approaches, and thus the messages, they articulate. On one hand, President Trump, who is great at communicating along side his core supporters/ base, but, far less so, with the rest of the overall public, and compare it, to the approach, used by, NY State Governor Andrew Cuomo, and, you'll witness the effect of their tone. thereupon in mind, this text will decide to , briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means , and represents, and why it makes an enormous difference.

news: war of the worlds:
1. Trust/ truth; timely; time - tested; trends: once you hear each of these individuals, which one, seems to tell the truth , and earns out trust, in these times of crisis. The President's initial inaction, and, failing to need , well-considered, timely action, and using time - tested solutions/ ideas, etc, clearly relates to the difference, in their comparable tone! the same - old, same - old, blame - and - complain approach and orientation, put us, at - risk!

2. Options; opportunities; open - mind; organized: It's difficult for Mr. Trump, to vary his tone, because, he seems to refuse to easily accept , willingly, constructive criticism! Wouldn't we, be better - served, if our leaders consider various options and alternatives, and took advantage of the only opportunities. When one is narrow - minded, it's challenging, for him, to require care of an open - mind! Since the President disbanded many of his expert/ public health sources/ panels, an organized, relevant response, is delayed!

news: war of the worlds:
3. Needs: once you hear Trump, and Cuomo, whom do i believe, cares more about your needs, and, who, seems fixated by his personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interests!

4. Empathy; emphasis; energy/ energize; enrich; excellence: there's an instantaneous relationship between tone and genuine empathy! Which individual's emphasis, seems to be more, focused, on our greatest interests. These factors, and thus the apparent energy, either energize or harms the message, articulated. we'd like leaders, who, consistently, enrich us, and energize us, towards the greater good.

Wake up, America, and demand better leadership. we'd sort of a positive, welcoming TONE, and thus the perception of a caring leader, to bring us together, during this crisis!

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